SuperFastStar Probe Mixture


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SuperFastStar Probe Mixture is a master mix designed for real-time PCR using probe methods (TaqMan, Molecular Beacon, etc.). The core ingredient, SuperFastStar DNA Polymerase, is a dual-antibody modified hot-start DNA polymerase that restores DNA polymerase activity after heating at 95 °C for 5 seconds, with the advantages of strong specificity, high detection sensitivity, and a buffer optimized for qPCR with a reaction concentration of 2×. The unique combination of qPCR buffer system and hot-start enzyme effectively inhibits the production of non-specific products and significantly improves the amplification efficiency of qPCR, which is very suitable for qPCR reactions with high specificity, high sensitivity, single and multiple amplification. It is only needed to add the template, primers, probes, which is easy to use.

Catalog number Specifications
CW3347S 1 mL
CW3347M 5 mL

Nucleic Acid Release Reagent

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