Viral DNA/RNA Kit V2

The kit is suitable for simple, rapid and efficient separation and purification of DNA/RNA from whole blood, tissue homogenate, swabs, serum, plasma and other acellular body fluids. The unique buffer system enables the viral nucleic acids in the lysate to bind to the silica gel centrifugal adsorbent column in a highly efficient and specific manner, so that the viral nucleic acids obtained are of high purity and stable quality, free of protein, nuclease and other impurities.

Project Inquiry
  • Advantages
  • Specification
  • Manual
Storage condition: RT.
Days of preservation: 12 months.
Transport conditions: RT.
Application: The viral nucleic acids can be used in a variety of routine operations, including PCR, fluorescence quantitative PCR and other experiments.
Catalog number Specifications
CW3023S 50 preps

Nucleic Acid Release Reagent

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